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Best Fertilizer for Bermuda Grass

Bermuda grass needs a different mix of nutrients at different times of the year. So there isn't just one “best fertilizer for Bermuda grass.” But you can get by with just two, depending upon if you have weeds or not.

Why Bermuda Grass is Popular

Bermuda grass creates a beautiful lawn that is reminiscent of a golf course. The grass is easy to grow, tolerates drought and heat, and recovers from damage. Like all types of grass, Bermuda lawns need annual maintenance and fertilization. Choosing the right fertilizer makes a lawn look like fairway at your local golf course.

What Type of Fertilizer Do I Need?

Bermuda grass requires more fertilizer than other warm-season grasses during the growing season. We recommend a Nitrogen-rich fertilizer in the early summer. Transition to a Nitrogen and Phosphorous blend later in the growing season. Homeowners can also use weed and Feed products on Bermuda grass to fertilize and control weeds with one application.

Best Summer Bermuda Grass Fertilizer – Early Summer

Ferti-Lome Classic Lawn Food 16-0-8 with Slow-Release Nitrogen

A 16-0-8 early summer fertilizer will contain 16% Nitrogen, 0% Phosphorus, and 8% Potassium. The high Nitrogen content will provide the Bermuda turf with enough nutrients to kick off the growing season. Ferti-Lome’s mix of Nitrogen, Potash, Sulfur, and Iron form a complete fertilization product. Homeowners will see their Bermuda grass begin to green in a matter of days. With specialized slow-release Nitrogen, Ferti-Lome’s mix provides nourishment to Bermuda turf for up to eight weeks.

Best Summer Bermuda Grass Fertilizer – Late Summer

Hi-Yield Lawn Fertilizer 15-0-10

A late summer fertilizer product of 15-0-10 will contain 15% Nitrogen, 0% Phosphorus, and 10% Potassium. The added Potassium helps the grass prepare for winter dormancy. It also helps the lawn fight off disease and cold damage.

Potassium encourages the grass's roots to grow deeper in the soil, creating better drought resistance. Hi-Yield's fertilizer is delighted to release Nitrogen slowly and can last up to ten weeks!

Best Weed and Feed Product for Bermuda Grass

Hi-Yield Weed and Feed 15-0-10

Hi-Yield's potent weeds and feed is ideal for Bermuda grass as it delivers a perfect blend of nutrients and weed-stopping ability. The 15-0-10 fertilizer blend is perfect for mid to late summer applications. The reason is it feeds the lawn and prepares it for cooler weather. The product also features a mix of three different herbicides that kills the most common broadleaf weeds.

How Much Fertilizer Should I Use?

Bermuda grass will need to receive three to four pounds of Nitrogen per year per 1,000 square feet. It is recommended to break up applications into three or four doses throughout the summer. The turf's health and age should also be accounted for when choosing an application rate. Healthy and vibrant Bermuda grass can receive the full four pounds through the growing season. Unhealthy or damaged lawns will need to receive less fertilizer to reduce the risk of stress or fertilizer burn.

When to Fertilize Bermuda Grass.

Early Summer (April 20 to May 10)

Apply 1 pound of Anugreen 16-0-2 Fertilizer per 1,000 square feet of Bermuda grass.

Make sure that the last threat of frost has passed. Ground temperatures should exceed 55 degrees before applying any fertilizer. Warm soil temperatures are needed for the Bermuda grass to begin growing. Fertilizing Bermuda grass early in the growing season will have a pronounced effect on the growth cycle of the turf. Fertilizing as soon as possible is recommended.

Mid-Summer (June 1 – July 1)

Apply 1 pound of Anugreen 16-0-2 Fertilizer or Hi-Yield Weed and Feed 15-0-10 per 1,000 square feet of Bermuda grass. If broadleaf weeds are present in the lawn, a weed and feed product can be applied. When applying fertilizer or herbicides in the middle of summer, always make sure that the lawn has plenty of water. Failing to water a fertilized lawn in high temperatures properly can lead to burning and damage. If temperatures are extreme, avoid fertilizing until cooler temperatures are present.

Late-Summer (August 20 – September 30)

Apply 1 pound of Hi-Yield Lawn Fertilizer 15-0-10 or Hi-Yield Weed and Feed 15-0-10 per 1,000 square feet of Bermuda grass.

Homeowners can choose between a regular fertilizer or a weed and feed product for the late-summer application. If broadleaf weeds are still an issue, a Bermuda-safe herbicide may need to be applied along with fertilizer.

Do not apply any fertilizer late in the growing season. Also, avoid fertilization for at least eight to ten weeks before the first possible frost. Fertilizing Bermuda grass too late in the year can stimulate growth that will be harmed by cooler weather.

Tips for Applying Fertilizer to Bermuda Grass

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