No Crossbow herbicide review is complete without mentioning its ability to control leafy, woody plants, while sparing grasses. This means it’s perfectly safe to spray along the edge of your yard without worrying about hurting your grass. It is consistently reviewed by customers as knocking down stubborn plants that are resistive to many common lawn herbicides.
![]() | Use For | Brushy areas, natural areas of your lawn, trees, stumps |
Active Ingredients | Triclopyr and 2, 4-D | |
![]() | Application | Spray or apply directly to freshly-cut tree stumps with a brush |
Type | elective, safe for most grasses | |
Translocative | Yes | |
![]() | Tips | Do not spray near actively growing agricultural crops |
Crossbow is Ideal for Brushy and Natural Areas
It is a versatile herbicide used to tackle a wide range of weed problems. This herbicide is great for controlling brushy areas along fields. In addition, it’s ideal for controlling weeds that pop up in natural areas around yards. Crossbow is ideal for weeds like Virginia creeper, blackberry and poison ivy. It kills and eliminates for the entire season!
Combination of Triclopyr and 2, 4-D
Crossbow gets its effectiveness from a combination of two proven weed killers: Triclopyr and 2,4-D. Triclopyr is a proven herbicide used in forest and land management. While 2,4-D is a seasoned herbicide for weed control in lawns. Together, these two form a powerful combination that’s tough on weeds, but gentle on grasses.
This method of action classifies Crossbow as a selective herbicide. In addition, it is also considered a systemic herbicide. These categories of herbicides are known for extended weed control. After coming into contact with the plant, it moves throughout the plant killing it for good.
Adjust Mix to Target Different Weeds
Crossbow is sold in a concentrated form, which means it has to be mixed with water. The type of target weeds will determine the percent concentrate needed. Refer to the instructions to find the appropriate volume of chemical based on the target weed and spray tank. For example, poison ivy and poison oak need a 1 to 1.5% solution. Thus, mix 1 ⅓ – 2 fl oz per gallon of water.
You'll need to increase the application rate for tall plants and trees. For treatment of brush higher than 8 feet, it may be best to remove the growth through mechanical means.
Mixing Directions for Crossbow
Crossbow does not form a perfect solution in water and must be agitated continuously to prevent separation.
Size of Sprayer (Gallons) | 1% Mixture | 1.5% Mixture | 4% Mixture |
1 | 1 ⅓ fl oz | 2 fl oz | 5 ⅓ fl oz |
3 | 4 fl oz | 6 fl oz | 1 pt |
5 | 6 ⅔ fl oz | 10 fl oz | 1 ⅔ pt |
50 | 2 qt | 3 qt | 2 gal |
100 | 1 gal | 1.5 gal | 4 gal |
Broadleaf Weeds Controlled by Crossbow
1% Mixture - Apply 1 qt/acre | 1% Mixture - Apply 2 qt/acre | 1 to 1.5% Mixture - Apply 2-4 qt/acre | 1.5% Mixture - Apply 4 qt/acre |
blueweed | annual bedstraw | spiny amaranth | field bindweed |
annual buttercup | bluebur | buttercup | wild carrot |
horseweed | burdock | mouseear chickweed | chicory (suppression) |
common lambsquarters | white sweet clover | white clover | cinquefoil |
wild mustard | cocklebur | dandelion | dogfennel (suppression) |
common ragweed | wooly croton | curly dock | annual fleabane |
thyme-leaf spurge | hemp dogbane | hairy galinsoga | goldenrod |
tall ironweed | goatsbeard | horsenettle | |
wild lettuce | henbit | kudzu | |
tansy mustard | western ironweed | marshelder | |
wild radish | ground ivy | milkweed (suppression) | |
tansy ragwort | kochia | perennial pepperweed | |
shepherd's purse | lespedeza | pokeweed | |
oxalis | sesbania (suppression) | ||
field pennycress | perennial sowthistle | ||
field pepperweed | leafy spurge | ||
redroot pigweed | bull thistle | ||
broadleaf plantain | Canada thistle | ||
narrow-leaf plantain | musk thistle | ||
annual purslane | yarrow | ||
bitter sneezeweed | |||
annual sowthistle | |||
sunflower | |||
Russian thistle | |||
vetch | |||
wild violet | |||
biennial wormwood | |||
yellow rocket |
When to Apply Crossbow
For control of woody plants, it's best to apply when the plant's growth rate is actively growing. This occurs in spring and early summer after full leaf.
Crossbow Can Kill Trees and Stumps

Crossbow can also be used to kill smaller trees and stumps. Thin bark trees that are less than 6” in diameter can be treated by a basal bark application. This involves mixing Crossbow with an oil carrier and spraying to the outside of the trunk. To kill freshly cut stumps, use a brush to apply Crossbow concentrate directly to the stump. Refer to the Crossbow label for detailed instructions on these two methods.
Best Places to Buy Crossbow
![]() | Buy at Do My Own & Get Free Shipping is the Amazon of herbicides, fertilizers, and applicators. Lawn & Petal strongly recommend you buy Crossbow from DoMyOwn. |
![]() | When it is in stock, Amazon can be a great option especially if you have a Prime membership and can get free shipping. |
Applying Crossbow Herbicide
The best time to spray Crossbow herbicide is in the spring and summer when plants are actively growing. Mornings are also a better time to spray. Temperatures are usually lower and humidity is higher. When spraying, thoroughly wet all the leaves of the target weeds for best results.
While Crossbow will have no impact on grasses, be careful around ornamental plants since it can cause some damage. Do not spray this product around ponds or where it may runoff into ponds as Crossbow is toxic to fish and other aquatic animals. Lastly, Crossbow will kill agricultural crops, like cotton, so do not spray around fields.
Use Crossbow herbicide in all areas where you want to effectively kill broadleaf weeds or brushy, woody plants. When sprayed according to the label, Crossbow is a safe, effective option to manage the edge of yards and natural areas.
- Both of the active ingredients in Crossbow, 2,4-D and Triclopyr, are formulated using esters. Ester formulations like Crossbow herbicide are easily absorbed by the plant.
- Esters have the ability to cut through the plant’s waxy cuticle, or protective layer. This is a benefit when it comes to killing weeds, but a negative around lakes and streams. Crossbow herbicide is easily absorbed by aquatic life like fish and insects. If it doesn’t kill them, it will bioaccumulate in their bodies. This is harmful to any animals, including humans, that feed on them.
- It is always important to be at least 10-15 feet away from any water bodies or moving water. Also, do not spray more than the recommended rate of Crossbow herbicide. This reduces the likelihood of runoff damaging non-target plants or entering waterways. Lastly, do not mix or wash out your tank where excess chemicals may runoff into water.
Timelapse Video of Crossbow Application
In order to prepare for this crossbow herbicide review, we sprayed an area of woody plants and vines to create this timelapse video.
Crossbow Herbicide Review – Final Analysis
If you need to control thicker, woody plants and bushes, then crossbow is what you need. Its combination of Triclopyr, 2, 4-D, and an oil carrier make it a deadly herbicide for otherwise herbicide-resistant plants, vines, and weeds.