Written by 1:20 pm Herbicides, Lawn Tips

How to Control Bahia Grass

Bahia grass is an extraordinarily aggressive and hearty perennial weed commonly found in the Southeastern United States. It grows rapidly, is drought tolerant, and grows in numerous soil types. Therefore, it is commonly used for erosion control, pasture seeding, feedlots, and planting in roadway medians. However, it also makes it nearly impossible to find a southern lawn that does not have at least some bahia grass. 

Bahia grass is easily recognizable by its distinctive V-shaped seed head and its black-lined seeds.

It is characterized by light green color, broad leaves, and a solid growth pattern. The V-shaped seed head is easily recognizable. Also, black seeds line the structure of the head and are a means for the plant to reproduce.

As seeds fall from the seed head, they germinate. This multiplies your Bahia grass problems. So if the grass is left unmanaged, it aggressively spreads in your lawn. Ultimately, it endangers other types of grass in your yard. Many homeowners think it is impossible to control bahia grass, but it isn't. Read on to find out how!

Best Practices for Controlling Bahia Grass

Ridding your lawn of this pesky grass can be difficult. Digging up and removing Bahia is the most effective method of killing it. Still, manually removing grass is not easy or practical for most lawns. Therefore, managing the growth and spread of Bahia grass should be your main priority.

Maintaining a healthy lawn is the first line of defense against a Bahia grass invasion. Notably, a lush, thick lawn canopy crowds out invading grasses and weeds. Also, densely seeded lawns starves potential foreign weeds and grasses of nutrients and space.

Frequent mowing and cutting Bahia grass prevents seeds from developing on the seed head. It also slows the invasion of your lawn. Consequently, a homeowner should mow every seven to ten days and maintain a grass height of three to four inches.

Herbicides that Target Bahia

A post-emergent herbicide that contains Metsulfuron is recommended for most cases of bahiagrass infestation.

The herbicide we recommend is Quali-Pro Fahrenheit Herbicide. If you follow the label, it can be safely applied to bermuda, centipede, and St Augustine.

Apply Post-emergent herbicides when your grass is begins to grow in the spring. The early application of herbicides helps slow the spread of unwanted weeds and grasses like bahia.

Fahrenheit Herbicide

Safe for:

  • centipede
  • St Augustine
  • bermuda

Active ingredients: Dicamba & Metsulfuron-methyl

Targets Annual & Perennial Broad-leaf Weeds & Grasses (including bahia)

Not for Sale to: AK, CA, CT, DE, ID, IA, ME, MD, MA, MI, MN, MT, NH, NJ, NY, ND, OH, OR, RI, SD, UT, VT, WA, WV, WI

Quali-Pro Fahrenheit Herbicide Application Tips

  • Only apply Fahrenheit when the in temperatures between 50°F and 85°F
  • For best control of bahiagrass, repeat the application within 4 to 6 weeks
  • Discoloration of turfgrass is normal
  • Do not overseed or sod for at least 8 weeks post-application

Bahiagrass Spot Treatment

Glyphosate-based products can be applied to Bahia grass and effectively kills the plant. However, glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide and kills most grass and plants in which it comes into contact. Such products should only be used for spot treatments and should never be applied to an entire yard to control the invasive grass.

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