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How to Get Rid of Ants With Ant Killer

Ants are one of the most common home and yard pests. They are known to live in a variety of places.

Ants often set up their home near reliable food sources. For instance, sugar ants and odorous house ants are often found inside homes or around open food. They may live inside walls or outside in cracks/crevices and flower beds. 

Options for Controlling Ants

Ant control options are divided into two categories, on-contact killers and baits. Both work in different ways and take different amounts of time to kill the ants.

On-Contact Ant Killers

  • Liquids (Sprays and Drenches)
  • Powders
  • Granules

Ant Baits

  • Granules
  • Gels

On-Contact Ant Killer

On-contact killers are a great option to control ants in your yard. But, they are not generally a long term solution.

They are sometimes referred to as “ant movers” instead of ant killers. This is because the mounds move to a safer area instead of die off completely. On-Contact Ant Poison Granules provide the best results you spread them across your entire lawn.

Liquids (Sprays and drenches), granules and powders are some of the most common. We highlight the good and bad of each option in the table below.

PowderGranulesLiquid (Drench)
How to UseSprinkle from containerUse spreader (pull-behind or hand spreader)Use pump or hand sprayer
Use inside of HomeNoYes, but not idealYes
Use outside of HomeYesYesYes
Tips- Sprinkle on mound only
- Can damage grass
- Spread over entire lawn for best results
- Some granulized products can provide protection for up to 3 months
- Drench, do not just spray, entire mound

Ant Bait

If you have the time and patience, baits are your best option. Baits are a type of ant killer that mimics food. Scavenging ants will take the bait into the mound and feed them to the queen. Once the queen is killed, the mound will slowly die off. Baits typically are slower to control ants, but better long-term solution.

Ant Bait for Indoors

For indoor use and multiple ant species, we recommend using bait gels like Advion. This product can easily be applied in cracks, crevices and near feeding trails and nests. Either apply small drops or lines that ants can easily access.

It is important to read the label before applying any ant poison, especially before you deploy it inside your home.

Outdoor Ant Bait

For outdoor use, our recommendation is to use granulized ant bait that combines ant poison and growth regulator. Baits with growth regulators are safer for humans, animals and the environment.

As an example, for fire ants, you can use a product like Extinguish Plus Fire Ant Bait.

Use baits as a preventative to keep ants from invading your home or yard.
If you have an existing problem, apply a bait and then wait. After a few weeks, eliminate any remaining problem with a contact killer. This will give the worker ants a chance to feed the bait to the queen.
Regardless of if ants are in your home or yard, being proactive is the best approach. Look for signs of ant infestations and apply ant killer as needed. Reduce food sources and nesting sites to prevent further ant infestations.
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