Written by 10:14 pm Lawn Tips

How to Keep Grass Green in the Winter

Keeping a lawn green and healthy is an easy way to make neighbors green with envy. It’s easy to have a beautiful yard in the summertime. Few, however, know the tips and tricks of keeping turf green in the winter months.

Maintaining a green lawn year-round does not require a degree in horticulture. Below we will discuss easy ways to avoid winter browning and to keep a beautiful yard year-round.

Why Does Grass Turn Brown in the Winter?

Warm-season grasses like St Augustine, Centipede, Bermuda, and Zoysia grasses become dormant in cold winter weather. The dormancy of the grass leads to brown and yellow colors appearing on the lawn.

During dormancy, the grass stops growing, but it does not die. While the grass is not growing, it still uses sunlight, water, and nutrients to stay alive.

3 Nutrients for a Greener Lawn in the Winter


Iron is an essential element in photosynthesis. During photosynthesis, chlorophyll is produced. Chlorophyll is the substance that gives grass its green color. Increasing the amount of iron in the soil boosts the photosynthesis process.

Increasing chlorophyll brings out more green tones that are usually missing in the winter. Chelated Iron is best absorbed by grass when the pH of the soil is between 5 and 6.

Apply iron supplements in the winter. Do not over-apply iron to lawns as damage may occur. Burning or damaging a lawn with excess Iron leads to far more headaches down the road.

Southern Ag Chelated Liquid Iron

We recommend using Southern Ag Chelated Liquid Iron when trying to green up a lawn. Southern Ag is a trusted name in lawn and garden chemicals. Southern Ag’s mix of Iron and Sulphur gives grasses the iron nutrition it needs without the excess cost.

The one piece of caution with iron supplements is to keep them away from brick, concrete, and hard surfaces as iron stains these surfaces.

Manganese Sulfate

Manganese can help to turn a brown lawn green while also building up a lawn’s heartiness. Photosynthesis is a water-intensive process, and Manganese helps turf consume water more efficiently. In the winter months, many regions receive less water than in the summer months. Manganese can help the turf to absorb water and nutrients and use them more efficiently. Manganese deficiencies may exist in soil and adding a supplement can help green up a brown lawn fast.

Hi-Yield Maganese Sulfate Granules

Lawn & Petal recommends using Hi-Yield Manganese Sulfate Granules to add Manganese to a brown lawn. The added sulfate provides extra protein for better nutrient absorption. Hi-Yield’s efficient and inexpensive mix is an excellent way to deliver nutrients to winter lawns.

Magnesium Sulfate

Magnesium is known to stimulate chlorophyll production in the grass, resulting in more vibrant green colors. Magnesium also helps lawns consume Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Iron.

A magnesium deficiency leads to yellow grass blades and brown tips. Much like Manganese, Magnesium will help the grass process valuable nutrients more efficiently.

Hi-Yield Magnesium Sulfate

Hi-Yield Magnesium Sulfate is an affordable Magnesium supplement that can help fortify lawns and stimulate chlorophyll production. Hi-Yield’s product is also water-soluble, meaning that you can apply it in granular or a diluted solution. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application rates when applying nutrients to a lawn.

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