Written by 2:51 pm Herbicides

Tenacity Herbicide – The All-In-One Preemergent & Postemergent Herbicide

If you have a tough case of lawn weeds…BOOM…remember tough actin’ Tenacity. If John Madden did his own lawn care, we would bet he’d use Tenacity herbicide. Do not be skeptical about this small size bottle. Tenacity herbicide is tough on hard to control lawn weeds and gentle on your lawn.

Tenacity Herbicide

Tenacity herbicide is a pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicide. This means it can control weeds before they appear and after. It is safe for use in Centipede grass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Buffalograss, Tall Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass, Fine Fescue and St. Augustine grass (grown for sod only). Best of all, use it year around to control many tough weeds that attack your lawn.

Tenacity herbicide can also be used on Bermuda grass lawns that are dormant. Spray this product on dormant Bermuda grass to help control weeds before they grow. Be careful though, even the slightest actively growing Bermuda grass will turn white if sprayed by Tenacity herbicide.

This professional grade weed quickly kills common lawn pests. Just a few of the controlled weeds include:

  • Common Chickweed
  • Purslane
  • Crabgrass
  • Nutsedge
  • Florida Pusley
  • Henbit
  • Ground Ivy

*For a complete list of the weeds controlled, see the manufacturer label.

Barricade 65WG Herbicide

To control weeds before they grow, apply Tenacity herbicide in the late winter. The manufacturer recommends mixing this product with Barricade 65WG (Barricade 65WG Herbicide) for longer weed control. This combination will kill seeds before they germinate and will hang around in the soil for weed control into the spring.

If lawn care hasn’t been a priority and springtime weeds have already creeped into your lawn, don’t worry. Simply mix Tenacity into your spray tank and treat your entire lawn. Tenacity will travel throughout the plant killing the leaves and roots. To increase the effectiveness, the manufacturer recommends including a surfactant. A surfactant will help this weed killer stick and absorb better into the plant.

One last perk of Tenacity is hidden in the manufacturer label. Tenacity herbicide can be used to control pesky grasses that might make your way into your lawn. Zoysia grass, poa annua, and Bermuda grass are all sensitive to Tenacity. Applying Tenacity to your lawn where these nuisance grasses are present will kill them without hurting your grass.

Tenacity herbicide is a great all around product for lawns. Applying this product will quickly turn them white and eliminate them for the season. Total control of sprayed weeds can take up to 2-3 weeks. Keep in mind though, overuse of Tenacity herbicide could damage your lawn. Do not exceed 16 oz per acre in a year. Grass turning white signifies stress from overuse. As with all weed killer products, read the label before using.

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