Written by 4:40 pm Pesticide, Pillars, Trending

Trimec Weed Killer – What You Need To Know About the Popular Herbicide

Trimec weed killer usually consists of a combination of 2, 4-D, Dicamba, and Mecoprop. The trifecta of herbicides is the key to Trimec’s potent weed-killing ability. Each chemical is proficient in killing different weeds.

By combining three herbicides into one product, you can kill 200+ weeds with one spray. Also, Trimec does not require multiple applications to kill weeds .

Most Trimec products act as a post-emergent herbicide. However, some manufacturers add Quinclorac to the formula. Quinclorac is a pre-emergent herbicide that helps prevent weeds from taking root.

Trimec is typically found in liquid form. It can be a powerful part of your annual lawn care plan.

What Weeds Does Trimec Herbicide Kill?

Trimec products are designed to kill a host of broadleaf weeds. Common examples of broadleaf weeds are:

  • Clover
  • Henbit
  • Poison Ivey
  • 200+ more

Is Trimec Weed Killer Safe for Grass?

Trimec can be applied to both warm and cool-season kinds of grass. Mild discoloration may appear after application to warm-season lawns. Most discoloration is temporary.

  • May cause temporary discoloration but otherwise safe for grass

  • Do not apply during spring green-up

st augustine
  • May cause temporary discoloration but otherwise safe for grass

  • Do not apply during spring green-up

  • May cause temporary discoloration but otherwise safe for grass

  • Do not apply during spring green-up

  • Safe to apply year-round

  • Safe to apply year-round

When Should You Apply Trimec?

You can apply Trimec weed killer at almost any time of the year on cool season grasses.
Do not apply Trimec to warm-season grasses during the spring green-up. Spring green-up is when turf exits dormancy and begins to grow. Applying Trimec during the early part of the growing season causes discoloration and decreased growth.
If weeds are pervasing in periods of drought or extreme heat, we recommend targeted application. Whole yard application is not recommended in drought conditions. Some other application timing tips are:
  • No rain or water for at least 24 hours after application
  • Air temperature should not exceed 90 degrees for broadcast application
  • Seed or sod can be laid in the area after 3-4 weeks have passed
  • The area is safe for pets and children after the application has dried completely
  • Always consult the manufacturer’s safety recommendations before application
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